
A student employee is a part-time employee who is currently enrolled in at least a half-time credit load (6 credit hours) at 十大正规网赌平台 with the primary 获得学位的目标. 学生雇员被认为是临时雇员 而且没有资格享受福利. 学生雇员可以在学校里做很多工作 office or department such as clerical support, computer lab assistant, library aide, 导师等.

All student workers must complete an "应用程序 for Student 就业," "new hire" 雇佣文书和工作时间 OneUSG系统

At the beginning of each semester, student employees must complete an updated "应用程序 for Student 就业" and submit to HR with the appropriate signatures.

Administered through the Office of Financial Aid, the Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) is a federally funded financial aid program offered to students that have a demonstrated 财务需要.


The Federal Work Study (FWS) program is a federally funded Title IV student financial aid program designed to provide work opportunities for students, enabling them to 赚取资金以支付教育费用. 此外,该程序还提供了一个 opportunity for students to gain work experience in their areas of academic and non-academic 利益. To qualify for the FWS program a student must meet the following minimum 要求:

    • Be a citizen or eligible non-citizen of the United States.
    • 证明经济需要.
    • Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree on at least a half time enrollment status.
    • Maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by the Office of Financial Aid.


Since the Federal Work Study award is based on need, the student must apply each academic/award year for financial aid with the Office of Financial Aid. 目前,这个过程包括 the completion of the Free 应用程序 for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and a East Georgia State College institutional 应用程序 for Financial Aid. 为了 student to be considered for all available aid, it is imperative that these forms be completed by the priority deadline, June 1 for entering freshmen and May 1 for 所有其他学生.


All departments must post on-campus 职位 with 的搜索引擎优化 and all students must apply for on-campus 职位 with the Student 就业 Office (SEO). 学生将会 required to submit an application for student 就业.

部门 will set up interviews with individual students. 一旦做出雇佣决定 is made, a formal offer to the student chosen will be extended. 一旦学生接受了 the position, the new student employee may begin the paperwork processing to finalize 就业.

注意: If hiring a work-study student employee, the signed 就业 application form must be sent to the Financial Aid office after in-processing with 人力资源.


学生 cannot work more than 19 hours per week or 48% time. 可以有例外 during breaks such as Christmas, Spring break and summer. 主管负责 for monitoring work activities and student abidance of 就业 policies and procedures. 注意: Changes in student enrollment status may affect 就业.


学生 must log in their time worked through the OneUSG系统. 每个部门 will be responsible for 培训 new hires on the OneUSG系统.


Federal work study students will be paid no less than the federal minimum wage. 学生 每两周领一次薪. Student employees are required to have their paycheck directly deposited into their bank account or the optional BankMobile Vibe Checking account to ensure timely receipt of paycheck unless otherwise exempted. 纸质支票可能是 delayed up to a minimum of one week due to payroll processing.


    • 聘期以学期为单位. 学生如被录用,将被通知 不会延期.
    • Student employees are not eligible for any 就业 benefits.
    • 职位描述将分发给所有员工. 各部门将提供基本 培训.
    • 学生 should adhere to the dress code, schedule and rules of conduct established by 十大正规网赌平台 and the individual department in which they work.
    • 学生 are expected to follow job assignments in a serious and responsible manner. Supervisors should have work assignments ready to complete when student is scheduled. If no assignment is prepared, then the student should be dismissed, and the hours 当需要他们的帮助时重新安排.
    • 学生将会 evaluated, and they will also evaluate their supervisors/job experience if the student leaves the department and/or after 6 months in specified areas.


    • There will be an open and close date for each job posted. 所有校内职位 will be posted with the Student 就业 Office (SEO) for a minimum of 5 business 天.
    • 学生 are required to submit an 就业 application to be considered for on-campus 职位.
    • 应用程序s will only be accepted when 职位 are available.
    • Departmental advertising must indicate application for 就业 is made through 的搜索引擎优化.
    • 部门 will process hiring paperwork and meet established 人力资源 and 工资政策和截止日期.
    • OneUSG records must include certification by the supervisor that the hours recorded 准确地反映时间有效吗. 认可意味着直接了解学生 按规定的工作时间工作.


    • 所有学生随时都有可能被开除.
    • Failure to comply with EGSC policies or inadequate performance of job duties may result 在开除学生雇员一事上.
    • 部门/Supervisors must submit a change of status form to SEO when the student 已经不在部门工作了吗. 这可能是由于提取,转移, 毕业或其他校内就业.